Two tips for aspiring writers

Facebook request

Now that I’ve entered the digital age and joined facebook, I’m fielding a lot of questions from new and aspiring writers. Actually, some days seems like every one of my readers has a manuscript stashed away in their closet…which I shouldn’t find entirely surprising given the fact that my voracious reading habit is what made me want to write in the first place. If that sounds like you as well, here are a couple of answers to frequently asked questions to help steer you in the right direction.

Question #1: Will you read my unpublished book and give me advice?

First of all, I’m thrilled to hear you’re writing! That is definitely the best way to make your literary dreams come true. However, I’m afraid the sheer quantity of these requests has made me unable to check out anyone’s unpublished manuscripts. Instead, I recommend seeking out a writer’s group in your area or joining an online group like

That said, if you comment below with the link to your book once it’s live on Amazon, I’ll take a quick look if it’s enrolled in the Kindle Unlimited program. I’m a tough reader, but if your book floats my boat I’ll review it and share it just like I would any other title I truly enjoy. (If I don’t like it, I’ll probably quit on page two and will tell no one.)

Question #2: I’ve recently published my first book and am shocked by how hard it is to get visibility. Can you give me any advice on helping my labor of love see the light of day?

When you self-publish, you become a publisher as well as an author. The best resource I’ve found for learning that new skill set is Kboards Writer’s Cafe forum. Read the posts there for about a month and you’ll know most of what I know…then try it all out and see what works for you and your books. Good luck! It’s a slow uphill slog at first, but the payoff is worth it if you stick to your guns.

Do you have other questions about writing and publishing in the modern age? Comment below and I’ll do my best to answer. Thanks for reading!