Bittersweet Lemons, the movie

A couple of months ago, I posted about my husband’s and my joint project to turn one of my short stories into a movie. Well, it took longer than we thought, so Lemons for Christmas turned into Bittersweet Lemons. But the extra time polishing was well worth it since I’ve already heard from a few viewers that Mark’s masterpiece made them cry.

I could go on and on about the awesomeness of everyone involved, but I’m sure you’d rather see the story for yourself:

What do you think? If you enjoyed the view and want to help jumpstart Mark’s film aspirations, please consider leaving a comment on the youtube page to let others know the story hit the spot. Give it a like or a share or fire up the laptop and show your mom. Mark and I will be eternally in your debt.

Thank you for all you do! You are why I write.